41º Experience

(2011 – 2014)
In January 2011, a project called 41º was launched in a small space on a parallel street in Barcelona.
The main idea was to create a dialogue between the world of snacks and the world of cocktails, with both worlds drinking directly from the work done at elBulli. Albert thought it was time to open a cocktail bar, as there were not many at the time, and bring elBulli’s snack recipes to the general public. Some time later, this successful concept was reinvented in the form of a tasting menu with 41 creations, taking this dialogue to a new level.
The snacks that were initially served at the 41º cocktail bar evolved into a wider menu, including some dishes that would later be
Some dishes were later added to the 41º EXPERIENCE (restaurant format). All this time served as a learning experience to the point where the entire menu was transformed into finger food, from start to finish, without the need for cutlery or tweezers. This type of menu allowed guests to feel, touch, see, smell, hear and taste, adding another dimension to the cocktail and snack experience.
We understood that finger food cooking should be direct, deep and flavourful. The taste comes first, once the flavour is achieved, it is shaped and presented.
The last period of 41ºEXPERIENCE has been devoted to new ways of understanding the tableware, giving priority to the content, and this line of work has always been focused on exploiting it to the maximum in the Enigma project.
In August 2014 it closed its doors due to the small size of the venue, with the idea of becoming Enigma, an opening that finally happened in January 2017.